AK Wildlife Cruises
Falmouth Premier Marina North Parade Falmouth Cornwall. TR11 2TD
Wildlife at it's best...
Our multi award-winning wildlife and sightseeing cruises are a wonderful way to see some of the wildlife around the spectacular coastline and surrounding waters and are available all year round from the heart of Falmouth. With passionate naturalists on board every trip and photography actively encouraged, these tours are popular with all ages. Our heated cabin and covered outdoor seating area provide a fantastic opportunity to observe wild dolphins and seals, basking sharks, marine birds and much more during your stay in Cornwall, and you can enjoy your trip in comfort even during the colder autumn and spring months.
Captain Keith and his crew are extremely knowledgeable about the local wildlife, and are endorsed by the Seawatch foundation as a recommended boat operator with WiSe and The Whale And Dolphin Conservation Society, causing minimal impact to the environment. We do our utmost to support all the conservation groups we work closely and help promote their conservation initiatives. We record all the wildlife we see on every trip and share our cetacean sightings data freely with various wildlife trusts and organisations to help monitor and protect the animals in our waters.
Who know's what you might see...
We enjoy amazing encounters with the eight species of whale and dolphin, ranging from the small harbour porpoise up to the huge fin whale. In winter super pods of common dolphin arrive and our bottlenose dolphin pod are present most of the year. The local seal haul out is the largest on the south coast of Cornwall and can appear anywhere during the trip. We have nesting peregrines, which seem to be breading very well along the Cornish coastline.
Summer sees the return of one of the largest fish in the world, the basking shark, second only to the whale shark. Growing to 12 metres in length they are a jaw-dropping fish to watch whilst aboard Free Spirit. We also see ocean sunfish as well as a number of other fish species, the odd leatherback turtle and jellyfish in their hundreds. We get great views of Manx shearwater, storm petrel and other pelagic seabirds during summer and our local auk colony enjoys large numbers of breeding razorbill, guillemot and even bridled guillemot. Rarer birds such as skua and Balearic shearwater turn up on our trips too and our eagle-eyed crew will almost certainly spot them for you.
The diverse, rich wooded Fal estuary is the third deepest natural harbour in the world and is alive with a variety of wading and woodland birds, deer and seals. With over sixty miles of coastline and beautifully wooded banks to explore, the Fal Estuary makes a wonderful alternative when the sea is too rough to go offshore. The Carrick Roads is a vitally important wintering destination for black-necked grebe, but many other birds including red breasted merganser, Slavonian grebe, sea ducks, divers and waders also frequent the estuary in high numbers and osprey use the Fal estuary on their passage migrations.

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