Cornwall Open Studios
Across Cornwall
Cornwall Open Studios: A New Chapter for Artists in 2025 and Beyond
Cornwall has a rich artistic heritage, and our creative County is home to Tate St. Ives, many other arts and culture venues, and a wealth of galleries.
So, it’s hardly surprising that since 1998 artists and craftspeople have been opening their studios to visitors from all over Cornwall, and much further afield.
Discover the vibrant creativity of Cornwall Open Studios, a free event offering unique artist encounters, easy parking, and warm hospitality.
Entry to Cornwall Open Studios is free of charge. Parking is usually easy and often free (you can check with the artist in advance to be sure). And you might even be offered a tea or coffee!
Promoting Artists Year-Round
Our new website and consistent opening times will make it even easier for you to get the most out of your open studios experience.
- Designed to help you discover the artists whose work you'll like.
- Search function with filters so you can find artists by name, discipline, and material.
- An interactive map so you can also browse creators by area and find ones near you.
- View up to sixty images of work by each artist or maker.
- Find full details of title, materials, dimensions, description, and price of each piece of work.
- Consistent opening days and hours to make it easier to plan your visits.
- Detailed information on how to find each studio, including information about accessibility.
Stay Connected: Explore, Update, and Engage Anytime
Our website is open 24/7/365 days a year and our members are encouraged to keep their page up-to-date, so there’s always new work to see.
You can add them to your Visitor Account and contact them direct to make a mutually convenient appointment.
And not forgetting social media – you can follow nearly all our Members on Facebook or Instagram
Sign up to stay in the loop
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